14th Pollux Awards — The Worldwide Photography Gala Awards




14th Julia Margaret Cameron Award
for Women Photographers

juried by:

Elizabeth Avedon (US)

Independent Curator and Photo Editor

rebecca robertson (US)

Editor PDN

analy werbin (spain/argentina)

Curator Biennial of Fine Art & Documentary Photography

This Award runs concurrently with the 14th Pollux Award and winners will be exhibited together on March 2020 in the FotoNostrum Gallery



Both Winners in the Pro and Non Pro Sections will have a fully-paid solo exhibition (including printing and framing) in FotoNostrum Gallery in Barcelona on March 2020, plus$1,500 each for travel and lodging expenses to attend the opening reception. FotoNostrum Gallery will also offer both winner a Consignation Representation Contract for an initial period of 18 months. Images below are from the winners of the last edition of the Julia Margaret Cameron Award, whose portfolios will be exhibited in slo exhibitions on October 7-27 at the Gallery FotoNostrum in Barcelona.


Only open to women photographers worldwide, pro and amateur, working in all mediums, styles and schools of thought.
Age: > 13 yers old.


Elizabeth Avedon (Independent Curator and Photo Editor), and Rebecca Robertson (Editor PDN), Analy Werbin (Curator, Biennial of Fine Art & Documentary Photography)


Final Extended Deadline:
September 16, 2019


The Gala Awards, with the sponsorship of the Biennial of Fine Art & Documentary Photography invites pro and non pro photographers worldwide to submit images to 14th Edition of The Julia Margaret Cameron Award for Winner Photographers.

This Award is open to women photographers, professional and amateur, working in all mediums, styles and schools of thought. Traditional, contemporary, avant-garde, creative and experimental works that include old and new processes, mixed techniques, and challenging personal, emotional or political statements will be welcome.




The Julia Margaret Cameron Award is addressed to professional and non professional women photographers worldwide, who will compete in this 14th edition in two different sections (Professional and Non-Professional) in the following categories:

Abstract - Advertising & Fashion - Alternative Processes - Architecture & Interiors - Black & White -Children - Cell Phone - Cityscapes - Culture & Daily Life - Digital Manipulation & Collage - Documentary & Reportage - Fine Art - Landscapes & Seascapes - Nature - Nude & Figure - Open Theme - People - Portrait - Self Portrait - Still Life - Street Photography - Wild Life - Women Seen by Women

(A professional photographers is defined as anyone who earns more than 50 percent of her annual income from photography.)


Final EXTENDED Deadline: September 16, 2019 at 11:59pm PST

Jurors’ announcement: within 30 days after the final deadline.


Winner of the Julia Margaret Cameron Award: The Jurors of the 14th Julia Margaret Cameron Award will select one Winner in the Professional Section and One Winner in the Non-Professional Section.

Fully-paid Solo Exhibition: The Gala Awards will organize a solo exhibition for each of the above mentioned overall Winners in the respective sections (Pro and Non Pro) taking care of all exhibition expenses, including printing and framing of up to 20 photographs each. The exhibition will be held in the FotoNostrum Gallery in Barcelona on March 2020. A curator designed by The Gala Award will assist the Winners in the selection of the work to be exhibited and will take care of the exhibition setup.

Travel & Lodging honoraries: The two overall winners in the Pro and Non Pro sections will receive -on top of the fully-paid solo exhibition- US$1,500 each to cover travel and lodging expenses to attend the opening reception.

Gallery Representation: The two overall winners will be offered a consignation representation contract for 18 initial months with the gallery FotoNostrum.

Exposure in Artsy: Represented artists will be exhibited online for sale in Artsy. Artsy partners with over 2,500 galleries, 800 museums and institutions, and 60 international art fairs, who also publish work on the site, providing collectors and enthusiasts a central resource to learn about and purchase artwork from anywhere in the world. On average, Artsy attracts 2.5 million unique visitors each month. In 2018, it was the top-ranking art marketplace on Google with visitors from more than 160 countries.

Collective exhibition of category winners and category honorable mentions: The Jurors will also select, in both Pro and Non-Pro Sections, runners up and honorable mentions, as well as a shortlist of finalists. All these selected photographers will be invited to exhibit (with the category winners) in a collective exhibition in a space contiguous to the solo exhibition of the two the overall winners. In the collective exhibition, the exhibition organization and venue costs will be borne by The Gala Awards, while the exhibitors will be charged for printing and framing as well as setup costs (hanging, labelling, and insurance) in the amount of $280, approximately, per piece. To participate in the exhibition artists will have to be able to submit high resolution files of 300dpi suitable for fine art printing.

Images of all awardees (Winners, Runner Ups, Honorable Mentions, and Finalists) will be exhibited online in The Gala Awards' website and in the FotoNostrum website (work in progress) during a minimum of two years.


$15 each single image.
$45 each series composed of 3 to 6 images.

Please note that an image or series can be submitted to more than one category, counting as an additional image or series.


File Type should be: profile sRGB or Adobe RGB, jpg, resolution = 72 dpi

The dimension of the file should be 1200 pixels in the largest side.

IMPORTANT: Before uploading your submission please check that file size, resolution and file type complies with the specifications; otherwise your upload could be rejected.

EDIT: you submission can be edited at any given time until the final deadline (such as change of title or even change of image submitted.

INSTRUCTIONS TO FILL OUT THE FORM: Since we ‘re now using a new registration platform (powered by Evalato) and although is is very simple to use, we have drafted a short instruction manual that can be read HERE.

All submitters warrant that they own the work submitted and that they have the exclusive copyright. The Gala Awards recognizes that the author retain full ownership of the image copyright.

Submitters warrant that their photographs may be reproduced for the purpose of marketing and promoting The Gala Awards’ competitions and Awards, as well as in catalogues, posters, postcards, publications, and on the Internet. Such use is granted for no more than two years after the announcement of the works selected in this competition. Such use is granted without any payment to the photographer or featured models. Photographers will receive credit with each use, and allow The Gala Awards to sublicense their photographs to the press for reproduction in connection with The Gala Awards’ competitions and awards.

The Gala Awards has the right to reject and remove any entry that contains defamatory, racist, obscene or pornographic content, or that may be considered a criminal offence or violate any law.


Start the registration process indicating the section (Pro or Non Pro), and selecting the thematic categories you want to submit to, as well as the quantity of single images and / or series. Then you will be forwarded to the Registration Form, Payment Section, and Upload. You may register and pay now (to take advantage of the discounted early bird offer) and upload on any given date before the final deadline.